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Emergency Fund Application

The U and I Care Emergency Fund is made possible through the partnership between the Office of the Dean of Students & Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships. U and I Care Emergency Fund submissions will only be reviewed during normal business hours, Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, and are not monitored after hours, on weekends, or during official University holidays.

Please read this information carefully before requesting emergency funds.

The U and I Care Fund provides temporary, short-term financial assistance to currently enrolled students who are unable to meet essential expenses due to a temporary or unexpected hardship. This emergency funding program is designed to offer financial assistance to students in the form of one-time awards (not to exceed $500.00). In order to be eligible for this fund, you must NOT have received any emergency grants during the semester in which you are applying.

Emergency funding is NOT intended to provide ongoing relief for recurring expenses. Decisions regarding disbursement of funds are made on a case-by-case basis. Awards are not considered loans and do not require repayment. Some funds may be considered income and are therefore subject to federal taxes.

Note: Emergency funding may affect previously awarded aid from other sources. The Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships will review the request for emergency funding and determine the impact, if any, on the student’s financial aid.

Types of Expenses Considered

    • Overdue rent and utilities (i.e. eviction notice, utility disconnection notice)
    • Medical, dental, or mental health emergencies
    • Change in employment status or loss of income
    • Replacement of belongings lost in a fire or natural disaster
    • Safety related needs (i.e. changing locks, short term emergency shelter)
    • Travel related to the death of an immediate family member

Expenses Not Covered

    • Tuition and fees
    • Campus Housing costs
    • Health insurance
    • Credit card expenses
    • Parking tickets and other fines
    • Costs for entertainment, recreation, and non-emergency travel
    • Medical bills for any person other than the student applying
    • Other non-essential expenses (i.e. cable bil, cell phone bill, parking fees)



Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicants must have a financial hardship resulting from an emergency or unforeseen event. 
  • Applicants must be able to provide documentation of their financial hardship. Receipts provided must be within 3 months of the application submission date. Documentation must support the amount being requested. Credit card and bank statements will not be accepted as documentation. (Supporting documentation may include: medical bill, eviction notice, police report, utility disconnection notice, employer statement for sudden loss of income, and other relevant documents). Additional documentation may be required upon review of the application. Students must provide a breakdown of how funds will be used.
  • Prior to consideration for emergency funds, students must have utilized all eligible aid programs.
  • In order to be eligible for this fund, you must NOT have received any emergency grants during the semester in which you are applying.
  • The online application must be fully completed and submitted to the Office of the Dean of Students for consideration.

How To Apply

    • Complete this online application form and submit the form to the Office of the Dean of Students (DOS). Upload supporting documentation. DO NOT upload confidential or sensitive material such as hospital records, credit card statements, etc. 
    • You may be contacted by a representative from the Office of the Dean of Students via email (during normal business hours, Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, and not after hours, on weekends, or during official University holidays) after your submission to schedule an appointment.
    • Your application will be reviewed by the Office of the Dean of Students and the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships. You may be contacted regarding missing information from your application.
  • If your request for funds is approved, the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships will disburse the funds to your UIC account within (3-4) business days. Once posted the funds will be available in 2- 3 business days from your financial institution.

Submission Information

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Student Applicant Information

Involved party 1


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Supporting Documentation (REQUIRED)

You must provide documentation of the financial hardship you have described above. Receipts provided must be within 3 months of the application submission date. Documentation must support the amount being requested. Credit card and bank statements will not be accepted as documentation. (Supporting documentation may include: medical bill, eviction notice, police report, utility disconnection notice, employer statement for sudden loss of income, and other relevant documents). Additional documentation may be required upon review of the application. Students must provide a breakdown of how funds will be used. 5GB maximum total size.
Attachments require time to upload, so please be patient after submitting this form.
